Execute a set of commands in a loop, based on a condition or iteration over a list of values.
The loop command allows dynamic iteration over lists or ranges of values, executing a sequence of commands for each iteration. It provides flexibility when working with variable data such as network scans, enabling the execution of different commands depending on the results, without prior knowledge of the number of iterations.
The loop command works with two primary loop conditions: iterating over a list of values (items) or iterating over a numerical range (range).
- one
- two
- type: loop
cmd: "items(LISTA)"
- type: shell
cmd: echo hello
- type: debug
- type: loop
cmd: "range(0, 3)"
- type: shell
cmd: echo "Index $LOOP_INDEX"
- type: debug
Loop with items: This mode iterates over the elements of a list and substitutes each element into the commands. The current item is accessible as the $LOOP_ITEM variable.
Loop with range: This mode iterates over a range of integers. The current index is accessible as the $LOOP_INDEX variable.
Loop until condition is fulfilled This mode iterates indefinitely until the condition is fulfilled. (Checked before every command within the loop) Variables in cmd settings of an until loop command until($VAR1 == $VAR2) will be substituted from the variable store on every iteration of the loop. The current index/iteration of the loop is also accessible as the $LOOP_INDEX variable for the until() condition.
- cmd
The loop condition. This defines how the loop should iterate, either over a list or a range of values, or idefinitely until the condition defined in until() is rached.
- Type:
- Required:
items(LISTA): Iterate over the elements of a list named LISTA.
range(0, 10): Iterate over a range from 0 to 9.
**until($PORT == 7)
- break_if
If defined, this condition is checked before every command in the loop. If the condition evaluates to True, break out of the loop. Supports the same operators as
.- Type:
- Required:
- commands
The list of commands to execute during each iteration of the loop. These commands are executed once per iteration, with loop-specific variables ($LOOP_ITEM or $LOOP_INDEX) available for substitution.
- Type:
- Required:
vars: LISTA: - port1 - port2 commands: - type: loop cmd: "items(LISTA)" commands: - type: shell cmd: "nmap -p $LOOP_ITEM" - type: debug cmd: $LOOP_ITEM
In the above example, each element of LISTA (port1, port2) is substituted into the loop, and an Nmap scan is run for each port.
Example of looping over a range:
vars: INDEX_START: 0 INDEX_END: 5 commands: - type: loop cmd: "range($INDEX_START, $INDEX_END)" commands: - type: shell cmd: echo "Index is $LOOP_INDEX"
In items loops, this variable holds the current item from the list being iterated over.
- Type:
In range loops, this variable holds the current index of the iteration.
- Type: