Basic Usage
AttackMate ships with a executable stub called “attackmate” that can be called like follows:
attackmate -h
usage: attackmate [-h] --config CONFIG [--debug] [--version] [--json] [--append_logs]
AttackMate is an attack orchestration tool that executes full attack-chains based on playbooks.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--config CONFIG Attack-Playbook in yaml-format
--debug Enable verbose output
--version show program's version number and exit
--json log commands to attackmate.json
--append_logs append logs to attackmate.log, output.log and attackmate.json instead of overwriting
(Austrian Institute of Technology) Version: 0.2.0
Sample Playbook
In our first example we use the following playbook.yml:
NMAP: /usr/bin/nmap
TARGET: localhost
WEBPORT: "8000"
- type: shell
- type: regex
cmd: (\d+)/tcp open\s+http
- type: shell
cmd: nikto -host $TARGET -port $PORT
only_if: $PORT == 8000
For this playbook it is required to have nmap and nikto installed!
This playbook also needs a webserver at localhost on port 8000.
You can run python3 -mhttp.server
in a seperate shell to start
the webserver.
First Run
Now we can run the playbook using the following command: (We can supply the full path to the playbook, otherwise the parser tries to find it in the current working directory or in the folder /etc/attackmate/playbooks)
$ attackmate --debug playbook.yml
2023-09-24 20:17:36 DEBUG | No config-file found. Using empty default-config
2023-09-24 20:17:36 DEBUG | Template-Command: '$NMAP -sC -p $WEBPORT $TARGET'
2023-09-24 20:17:36 INFO | Executing Shell-Command: '/usr/bin/nmap -sC -p 8000 localhost'
2023-09-24 20:17:37 DEBUG | Template-Command: '(\d+)/tcp open\s+http'
2023-09-24 20:17:37 WARNING | RegEx: '(\d+)/tcp open\s+http'
2023-09-24 20:17:37 DEBUG | {'MATCH_0': '8000'}
2023-09-24 20:17:37 DEBUG | Template-Command: 'nikto -host $TARGET -port $PORT'
2023-09-24 20:17:37 INFO | Executing Shell-Command: 'nikto -host localhost -port 8000'
In the vars-section we have three variables That can be used later in the commands-section. The nmap-binary is expected at the location /usr/bin/nmap. The target to attack is localhost and the web-port to attack is 8000.
NMAP: /usr/bin/nmap
TARGET: localhost
WEBPORT: "8000"
The first command executes an nmap-script-scan on port 8000 at localhost. This command illustrates how to use variables:
- type: shell
As soon as nmap finishes, it automatically stores the output the the built-in variable RESULT_STDOUT
The regex command executes a regex search using the content of the nmap output. The regular expression is
(d+)/tcp opens+http. If the expression matches, it will “group” the port number in the variable
which is a volatile variable and is deleted after the regex-command finishes. In the setting
output is a variable defined with the name PORT
and it will be set with the value of $MATCH_0
- type: regex
cmd: (\d+)/tcp open\s+http
The final command is again a shell command that is supposed to execute a nikto scan using the previously
parsed variable $PORT
. This command will only be executed if the condition $PORT == 8000
is True.
- type: shell
cmd: nikto -host $TARGET -port $PORT
only_if: $PORT == 8000