Adding a New Executor

Base Executor

The BaseExecutor is the core class from which all executors in AttackMate inherit. It provides a structured approach to implementing custom executors.

Key Features

  • Command Execution Handling: Defines the execution flow for commands, including logging, metadata processing, and error handling.

  • Variable Substitution: Supports dynamic replacement of variables in command execution using CmdVars.

  • Looping & Conditional Execution: Implements logic to repeat commands or execute them based on conditions.

  • Background Execution: Allows certain commands to run asynchronously.

  • Error Handling: Supports stopping execution on errors via ExitOnError.

  • Logging & Output Management: Tracks execution details, metadata, and output results.

Execution Flow

  1. Command Logging: Logs execution details, metadata, and JSON-formatted information.

  2. Command Processing: Substitutes variables, applies looping logic, and checks execution conditions.

  3. Execution and Result Handling: Calls _exec_cmd(), processes results, and manages errors.

  4. Output Saving: If specified, saves command output to a file.

Implementing a Custom Executor

To create a custom executor, inherit from BaseExecutor and implement the _exec_cmd() method. Other methods can be overriden as needed.


from attackmate.executors.base_executor import BaseExecutor
from attackmate.result import Result

class CustomExecutor(BaseExecutor):
    def _exec_cmd(self, command) -> Result:"Executing custom command: {command.cmd}")
        return Result(stdout="Execution complete", returncode=0)


def __init__(
    self, pm: ProcessManager, varstore: VariableStore, cmdconfig=CommandConfig(), substitute_cmd_vars=True
  • pm: Instance of ProcessManager to handle process execution.

  • varstore: Instance of VariableStore to manage variables.

  • cmdconfig: Optional configuration settings for command execution.

  • substitute_cmd_vars: Enables variable substitution in command strings, defaults to True.

Overridable Methods

The following methods can be overridden in custom executors to modify behavior:

Command Execution

def _exec_cmd(self, command: BaseCommand) -> Result:
    return Result(None, None)

This is the core execution function and must be implemented in subclasses. It should return a Result object containing the execution outcome.


The _exec_cmd() method must be implemented in any subclass of BaseExecutor. This method defines the core execution logic for the command and is responsible for returning a Result object.

Logging Functions

The methods log_command, log_matadata and log_json log command execution details and can be overridden for custom logging formats.

Command Execution Flow

The run() method defines the high-level execution flow of a command. It includes condition checking, logging, and calling the actual execution logic.

Output Handling

The save_output() function manages saving output to a file. It can be overridden to implement alternative storage methods.