Install sliver-fix
Currently there is a nasty bug with grpcclient and TLS1.3
that breaks the communication between Sliver-API and AttackMate. In order to make
AttackMate work with the Sliver-API it is necessary to manually compile grpc with
the environment variable GRPC_PYTHON_BUILD_SYSTEM_OPENSSL=True
Please note that this fix is already included in the Dockerfile.
First install all required build-tools. This example will install the build-tools in Debian-based distributions:
$ sudo apt-get install -y git build-essential python3-dev libssl-dev
If you are inside the attackmate repository, change to another directory:
$ cd ..
Next download the grpc-sources, update the submodules and install the dependencies:
(venv)$ git clone && cd grpc
(venv)$ git submodule update --init
(venv)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Now remove the packages we want to compile by our own:
(venv)$ pip uninstall --yes protobuf
(venv)$ pip uninstall --yes grpcio-tools
Install the proper versions:
(venv)$ pip install --no-input protobuf==3.20.*
(venv)$ pip install --no-input grpcio-tools
And compile grpc:
(venv)$ GRPC_PYTHON_BUILD_SYSTEM_OPENSSL=True pip install --use-pep517 --no-input .