
The logdata-anomaly-miner can be configured in two different formats: yaml and python. The preferred format is yaml and the default configuration file for it is /etc/aminer/config.yaml. The python format can be configured in /etc/aminer/config.py and offers advanced possibilities to configure the logdata-anomaly-miner. However, this is only recommended for experts, as no errors are caught in the python configuration, which can make debugging very difficult. For both formats there are template configurations in /etc/aminer/template_config.yaml and /etc/aminer/template_config.py.

The basic structure of the logdata-anomaly-miner is illustrated in the folloging diagram:

Structure of the configuration-file: GENERAL, INPUT, PARSING, ANALYSING, EVENTHANDLING

Analysis Pipeline

The core component of the logdata-anomaly-miner is the “analysis pipeline”. It consists of the parts INPUT, ANALYSIS and OUTPUT.

Parts of the analysis-pipeline

Command-line Parameters

-h, –help

Show the help message and exit.

-v, –version

Show program’s version number and exit.

-u, –check-updates

Check if updates for the aminer are available and exit.

-c CONFIG, –config CONFIG

  • Default: /etc/aminer/config.yml

Use the settings of the file CONFIG on startup. Two config-variants are allowed: python and yaml.

See also


-D, –daemon

Run aminer as a daemon process.

-s {0,1,2}, –stat {0,1,2}

Set the stat level. Possible stat-levels are 0 for no statistics, 1 for normal statistic level and 2 for verbose statistics.

-d {0,1,2}, –debug {0,1,2}

Set the debug level. Possible debug-levels are 0 for no debugging, 1 for normal output (INFO and above), 2 for printing all debug information.


Run aminer analysis-child.


This parameter is for internal use only.

-C, –clear

Remove all persistence directories and run aminer.

-r REMOVE, –remove REMOVE

Remove a specific persistence directory. REMOVE must be the name of the directory and must not contain ‘/’ or ‘.’. Usually this directory can be found in ‘/var/lib/aminer’.


Restore a persistence backup. RESTORE must be the name of the directory and must not contain ‘/’ or ‘.’. Usually this directory can be found in ‘/var/lib/aminer’.

-f, –from-begin

Removes repositioning data before starting the aminer so that all input files will be analyzed starting from the first line in the file rather than the last previously analyzed line.

-o, –offline-mode

Stop the aminer after all logs have been processed.


This parameter is useful for forensic analysis.

–config-properties KEY=VALUE [KEY=VALUE …]

Set a number of config_properties by using key-value pairs (do not put spaces before or after the = sign). If a value contains spaces, you should define it with double quotes: ‘foo=”this is a sentence”. Note that values are always treated as strings. If values are already defined in the config_properties, the input types are converted to the ones already existing.

Configuration Reference

General Configuration


  • Type: boolean (True,False)

  • Default: False

This options turns the LearnMode on globally.


This option can be overruled by the learn_mode that is configurable per analysis component.

LearnMode: True


  • Default: aminer

This option defines the system-user that owns the aminer-process.

AminerUser: 'aminer'


  • Default: aminer

This option defines the system-group that owns the aminer-process.

AminerGroup: 'aminer'


This option controls where the unix-domain-socket for the RemoteControl should be created. The socket will not be created if this option is not set.

RemoteControlSocket: '/var/lib/aminer/remcontrol.sock'


  • Default: False

  • Type: boolean (True,False)

Disable the output of the NewMatchPathDetector which detects new paths for logtypes.

SuppressNewMatchPathDetector: False


  • Required: True

  • Resource-Types: file://, unix://

Define the list of log resources to read from: the resources named here do not need to exist when aminer is started. This will just result in a warning. However if they exist, they have to be readable by the aminer process!

Supported types are:

  • file://[path]: Read data from file, reopen it after rollover

  • unix://[path]: Open the path as UNIX local socket for reading

    - 'file:///var/log/apache2/access.log'
    - 'file:///home/ubuntu/data/mail.cup.com-train/daemon.log'
    - 'file:///home/ubuntu/data/mail.cup.com-train/auth.log'
    - 'file:///home/ubuntu/data/mail.cup.com-train/suricata/eve.json'
    - 'file:///home/ubuntu/data/mail.cup.com-train/suricata/fast.log'


  • Default: /var/lib/aminer

Read and store information to be used between multiple executions of aminer in this directory. The directory must only be accessible to the ‘AminerUser’ but not group/world readable. On violation, aminer will refuse to start.

Core.PersistenceDir: '/var/lib/aminer'


  • Type: Number of seconds

  • Default: 600

This options controls whether the logdata-anomaly-miner should write its persistency to disk.

Core.PersistencePeriod: 600


  • Default: /var/lib/aminer/log

Directory for logfiles. This directory must be writeable to the ‘AminerUser’.

Core.LogDir: '/var/lib/aminer/log'


  • Default: disabled

Define a target e-mail address to send alerts to. When undefined, no e-mail notification hooks are added.

MailAlerting.TargetAddress: 'root@localhost'


Sender address of e-mail alerts. When undefined, “sendmail” implementation on host will decide, which sender address should be used.

MailAlerting.FromAddress: 'root@localhost'


  • Default: “aminer Alerts”

Define, which text should be prepended to the standard aminer subject.

MailAlerting.SubjectPrefix: 'aminer Alerts:'


  • Type: Number of seconds

  • Default: 0 (any event can immediately trigger alerting)

Define a grace time after startup before aminer will react to an event and send the first alert e-mail.

MailAlerting.AlertGraceTime: 0


  • Type: Number of seconds

  • Default: 10

Define how many seconds to wait after a first event triggered the alerting procedure before really sending out the e-mail. In that timespan, events are collected and will be sent all using a single e-mail.

MailAlerting.EventCollectTime: 10


  • Type: Number of seconds

  • Default: 600

Define the minimum time between two alert e-mails in seconds to avoid spamming. All events during this timespan are collected and sent out with the next report.

MailAlerting.MinAlertGap: 600


  • Type: Number of seconds

  • Default: 600

Define the maximum time between two alert e-mails in seconds. When undefined this defaults to “MailAlerting.MinAlertGap”. Otherwise this will activate an exponential backoff to reduce messages during permanent error states by increasing the alert gap by 50% when more alert-worthy events were recorded while the previous gap time was not yet elapsed.

MailAlerting.MaxAlertGap: 600


  • Type: Number of events

  • Default: 1000

Define how many events should be included in one alert mail at most.

MailAlerting.MaxEventsPerMessage: 1000


This option defines the prefix for the output of each anomaly.

LogPrefix: ''


  • Type: Number of seconds

  • Default: 3600

Defines how often to write into stat-logfiles.

Log.StatisticsPeriod: 3600


  • Type: Number of loglevel

  • Default: 1

Defines the loglevel for the stat logs.

Log.StatisticsLevel: 2


  • Type: Number of loglevel

  • Default: 1

Defines the loglevel of the aminer debug-logfile.

Log.DebugLevel: 2


  • Default: ‘/var/lib/aminer/log/aminerRemoteLog.txt’

  • Type: string (path to the logfile)

Defines the path of the logfile for the RemoteControl.

Log.RemoteControlLogFile: '/var/log/aminerremotecontrol.log'


  • Default: ‘/var/lib/aminer/log/statistics.log’

  • Type: string (path to the logfile)

Defines the path of the stats-file.

Log.StatisticsFile: '/var/log/aminer-stats.log'


  • Default: ‘/var/lib/aminer/log/aminer.log’

  • Type: string (path to the logfile)

Defines the path of the debug-log-file.

Log.DebugFile: '/var/log/aminer.log'



  • Type: string or list of strings

Parser paths to DateTimeModelElements to set timestamp of log events.

timestamp_paths: '/model/time'
   - '/parser/model/time'
   - '/parser/model/type/execve/time'
   - '/parser/model/type/proctitle/time'
   - '/parser/model/type/syscall/time'
   - '/parser/model/type/path/time'


  • Type: boolean (True,False)

  • Default: False

Flag to enable chronologically correct parsing from multiple input-logfiles.

multi_source: True


  • Type: boolean (True,False)

  • Default: False

Flag to enable that detailed parsing information is shown for unparsed loglines.

verbose: True


  • Default: ‘n’

End of Line seperator for events.


Enables parsing of multiline logs.

eol_sep: '\r\n'


  • Type: boolean (True,False)

  • Default: False

Enables parsing of logs in json-format.

json_format: True


  • Default: False

Boolean value that allows to suppress anomaly output about unparsed log atoms.

suppress_unparsed: True


There are some predefined standard-model-elements like IpAddressDataModelElement, DateTimeModelElement, FixedDataModelElement and so on. They are located in the python-source-tree of logdata-anomaly-miner. A comprehensive list of all possible standard-model-elements can be found below. Using these standard-model-elements it is possible to create custom parser models. Currently there are two methods of doing it:

  1. Using a python-script that is located in /etc/aminer/conf-enabled:

""" /etc/aminer/conf-enabled/ApacheAccessParsingModel.py"""
from aminer.parsing.DateTimeModelElement import DateTimeModelElement
from aminer.parsing.DecimalIntegerValueModelElement import DecimalIntegerValueModelElement
from aminer.parsing.DelimitedDataModelElement import DelimitedDataModelElement
from aminer.parsing.FirstMatchModelElement import FirstMatchModelElement
from aminer.parsing.FixedDataModelElement import FixedDataModelElement
from aminer.parsing.FixedWordlistDataModelElement import FixedWordlistDataModelElement
from aminer.parsing.IpAddressDataModelElement import IpAddressDataModelElement
from aminer.parsing.OptionalMatchModelElement import OptionalMatchModelElement
from aminer.parsing.SequenceModelElement import SequenceModelElement
from aminer.parsing.VariableByteDataModelElement import VariableByteDataModelElement

def get_model():
    """Return a model to parse Apache Access logs from the AIT-LDS."""
    alphabet = b'!"#$%&\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\\^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~=[]'

    model = SequenceModelElement('model', [
        FirstMatchModelElement('client_ip', [
            FixedDataModelElement('localhost', b'::1')
        FixedDataModelElement('sp1', b' '),
        VariableByteDataModelElement('client_id', alphabet),
        FixedDataModelElement('sp2', b' '),
        VariableByteDataModelElement('user_id', alphabet),
        FixedDataModelElement('sp3', b' ['),
        DateTimeModelElement('time', b'%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S'),
        FixedDataModelElement('sp4', b' +'),
        FixedDataModelElement('sp5', b'] "'),
        FirstMatchModelElement('fm', [
            FixedDataModelElement('dash', b'-'),
            SequenceModelElement('request', [
                FixedWordlistDataModelElement('method', [
                    b'GET', b'POST', b'PUT', b'HEAD', b'DELETE', b'CONNECT', b'OPTIONS', b'TRACE', b'PATCH']),
                FixedDataModelElement('sp6', b' '),
                DelimitedDataModelElement('request', b' ', b'\\'),
                FixedDataModelElement('sp7', b' '),
                DelimitedDataModelElement('version', b'"'),
        FixedDataModelElement('sp8', b'" '),
        FixedDataModelElement('sp9', b' '),
            'combined', SequenceModelElement('combined', [
                FixedDataModelElement('sp10', b' "'),
                DelimitedDataModelElement('referer', b'"', b'\\'),
                FixedDataModelElement('sp11', b'" "'),
                DelimitedDataModelElement('user_agent', b'"', b'\\'),
                FixedDataModelElement('sp12', b'"'),

    return model

This parser can be used as “type” in /etc/aminer/config.yml:

     - id: 'apacheModel'
       type: ApacheAccessModel
       name: 'apache'


Please do not create files with the ending “ModelElement.py” in /etc/aminer/conf-enabled!

  1. Configuring the parser-model inline in /etc/aminer/config.yml

        - id: host_name_model
          type: VariableByteDataModelElement
          name: 'host'
          args: '-.01234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz:'

        - id: identity_model
          type: VariableByteDataModelElement
          name: 'ident'
          args: '-.01234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz:'

        - id: user_name_model
          type: VariableByteDataModelElement
          name: 'user'
          args: '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.-'

        - id: new_time_model
          type: DateTimeModelElement
          name: 'time'
          args: '[%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S +0000]'

        - id: sq3
          type: FixedDataModelElement
          name: 'sq3'
          args: ' "'

        - id: request_method_model
          type: FixedWordlistDataModelElement
          name: 'method'
                  - 'GET'
                  - 'POST'
                  - 'PUT'
                  - 'HEAD'
                  - 'DELETE'
                  - 'CONNECT'
                  - 'OPTIONS'
                  - 'TRACE'
                  - 'PATCH'

        - id: request_model
          type: VariableByteDataModelElement
          name: 'request'
          args: '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.-/()[]{}!$%&=<?*+'

        - id: http1
          type: FixedDataModelElement
          name: 'http1'
          args: ' HTTP/'

        - id: version_model
          type: VariableByteDataModelElement
          name: 'version'
          args: '0123456789.'

        - id: sq4
          type: FixedDataModelElement
          name: 'sq4'
          args: '" '

        - id: status_code_model
          type: DecimalIntegerValueModelElement
          name: 'status'

        - id: size_model
          type: DecimalIntegerValueModelElement
          name: 'size'

        - id: sq5
          type: FixedDataModelElement
          name: 'sq5'
          args: ' "-" "'

        - id: user_agent_model
          type: VariableByteDataModelElement
          name: 'useragent'
          args: '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.-/()[]{}!$%&=<?*+;:_ '

        - id: sq6
          type: FixedDataModelElement
          name: 'sq6'
          args: '"'

        - id: 'startModel'
          start: True
          type: SequenceModelElement
          name: 'accesslog'
                  - host_name_model
                  - WHITESPACE
                  - identity_model
                  - WHITESPACE
                  - user_name_model
                  - WHITESPACE
                  - new_time_model
                  - sq3
                  - request_method_model
                  - WHITESPACE
                  - request_model
                  - http1
                  - version_model
                  - sq4
                  - status_code_model
                  - WHITESPACE
                  - size_model
                  - sq5
                  - user_agent_model
                  - sq6

The parsing section in /etc/aminer/config.yml starts with the statement “Parser:” followed by a list of parser-models. Every parser-model in this list must have a unique id and a type. The unique id can be used to cascade models by adding the id of an parser-model as arguments(args). One parser of this list must contain start: True that indicates the root of the parser tree:

     - id: 'apacheModel'
       type: ApacheAccessModel
       name: 'apache'

     - id: 'startModel'
       start: True
       type: SequenceModelElement
       name: 'model'
       args: apacheModel
  • id: must be a unique string

  • type: must be an existing ModelElement

  • name: string with the element name

  • start: a boolean value that indicates the starting model. Only one parser-model must have enabled this option!

  • args*: a string or a list of strings containing the arguments of the specific parser.


args can contain the constant WHITESPACE which is a preset for spaces


This parsing-element matches any byte but at least one. Thus a match will always span the complete data from beginning to end.

     - id: 'anyModel'
       type: AnyByteDataModelElement
       name: 'anymodel'


This parsing-element matches base64 strings.

     - id: 'anyModel'
       type: Base64StringModelElement
       name: 'b64model'


This element parses dates using a custom, timezone and locale-aware implementation similar to strptime.

  • args: a string or list containing the following parameters:

    1. date_format:

      Is a string that represents the date format for parsing, see Python strptime specification for available formats. Supported format specifiers are:

      • %b: month name in current locale

      • %d: day in month, can be space or zero padded when followed by separator or at end of string.

      • %f: fraction of seconds (the digits after the the ‘.’)

      • %H: hours from 00 to 23

      • %M: minutes

      • %m: two digit month number

      • %S: seconds

      • %s: seconds since the epoch (1970-01-01)

      • %Y: 4 digit year number

      • %z: detect and parse timezone strings like UTC, CET, +0001, etc. automatically.

      Common formats are:
      • ‘%b %d %H:%M:%S’ e.g. for ‘Nov 19 05:08:43’

    2. time_zone:

      time_zone the timezone for parsing the values. Default: UTC.

    3. text_local:

      the locale to use for parsing the day and month names. Default: system-locale

    4. start_year:

      start_year when parsing date records without any year information, assume this is the year of the first value parsed.

    5. max_time_jump_seconds:

      max_time_jump_seconds for detection of year wraps with date formats missing year information, also the current time of values has to be tracked. This value defines the window within that the time may jump between two matches. When not within that window, the value is still parsed, corrected to the most likely value but does not change the detection year.

The following code simply adds a custom date_format:

     - id: 'dtm'
       type: DateTimeModelElement
       name: 'DTM'
       args: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'


This model element matches any data of length zero at any position. Thus it can never fail to match and can be inserted at any position in the parsing tree, where matching itself does not alter parsing flow (see e.g. FirstMatchModelElement). It will immediately write the current state of the match to stderr for inspection.

     - id: 'dbg1'
       type: DebugModelElement
       name: 'DBGM'


This model element parses decimal values with optional signum, padding or exponent. With padding, the signum has to be found before the padding characters.

  • value_sign_type: Defines if a value sign is required

    Possible values: ‘none’, ‘optional’, ‘mandatory’

  • value_pad_type: Defines the padding, for example: “0041”

    Possible values: ‘none’, ‘zero’, ‘blank’

  • exponent_type: Defines if an exponent is required

    Possible values: ‘none’, ‘optional’, ‘mandatory’

     - id: decimalFloatValueModelElement
       type: DecimalFloatValueModelElement
       name: 'DecimalFloatValueModelElement'
       value_sign_type: 'optional'


This model element parses integer values with optional signum or padding. With padding, the signum has to be found before the padding characters.

  • value_sign_type: Defines if a value sign is required

    Possible values: ‘none’, ‘optional’, ‘mandatory’

  • value_pad_type: Defines the padding, for example: “0041”

    Possible values: ‘none’, ‘zero’, ‘blank’

  - id: minutes
    type: DecimalIntegerValueModelElement
    name: 'Minutes'       - id: minutes
    type: DecimalIntegerValueModelElement
    name: 'Minutes'


This model element takes any string up to a specific delimiter string.

  • delimiter: defines which delimiter to use

  • escape: defines which escape bytes should be used, default is non-escaped

  • consume_delimiter: defines whether the delimiter should be processed with the match, default is False

  - id: delimitedDataModelElement
    type: DelimitedDataModelElement
    name: 'DelimitedDataModelElement'
    delimiter: ';'


This model element selects a branch path based on a previous model value.

  • args: a string or list containing the following parameters:

    1. value_model: defines the parsing model holding the element used for branching

    2. value_path: the path of the element within the value_model used for branching

  • branch_model_dict: a dictionary containing the following key-value pairs:

    1. id: all possible values that can occur at the element belonging to the value_path

    2. model: the parsing model to use for the matching id

  - id: fixed1
    type: FixedDataModelElement
    name: 'fixed1'
    args: 'match '

  - id: fixed2
    type: FixedDataModelElement
    name: 'fixed2'
    args: 'fixed String'

  - id: wordlist
    type: FixedWordlistDataModelElement
    name: 'wordlist'
      - 'data: '
      - 'string: '

  - id: seq1
    type: SequenceModelElement
    name: 'seq1'
      - fixed1
      - wordlist

  - id: seq2
    type: SequenceModelElement
    name: 'seq2'
      - fixed1
      - wordlist
      - fixed2

  - id: first
    type: FirstMatchModelElement
    name: 'first'
      - seq1
      - seq2

  - id: elementValueBranchModelElement
    type: ElementValueBranchModelElement
    name: 'ElementValueBranchModelElement'
      - first
      - 'wordlist'
      - id: 0
        model: decimal
      - id: 1
        model: fixed2


This model element defines branches in the parser tree, where branches are checked from start to end of the list and the first matching branch is taken.

  • args: a list of id’s of parsing elements that are possible branches.

  - id: fixed3
    type: FixedDataModelElement
    name: 'FixedDataModelElement'
    args: 'The-searched-element-was-found!'

  - id: fixedDME
    type: FixedDataModelElement
    name: 'fixedDME'
    args: 'Any:'

  - id: any
    type: AnyByteDataModelElement
    name: 'AnyByteDataModelElement'

  - id: seq4
    type: SequenceModelElement
    name: 'se4'
      - fixedDME
      - any

  - id: firstMatchModelElement
    type: FirstMatchModelElement
    name: 'FirstMatchModelElement'
      - fixed3
      - seq4


This model defines a fixed string.

  • args: a string to be matched.

  - id: user
    type: FixedDataModelElement
    name: 'User'
    args: 'User '


This model defines a choice of fixed strings from a list.

  • args: a list of strings of which any can match.

  - id: status
    type: FixedWordlistDataModelElement
    name: 'Status'
      - ' logged in'
      - ' logged out'


This model defines a hex string of arbitrary length.

  • args: upper_case: a bool that defines whether the characters in the hex string are upper or lower case, default is False (lower case)

  - id: hexStringModelElement
    type: HexStringModelElement
    name: 'HexStringModelElement'


This model defines an IP address.

  • args: ipv6: a bool that defines whether the IP address is of IPv4 or IPv6 format, default is False (IPv4)

  - id: ipAddressDataModelElement
    type: IpAddressDataModelElement
    name: 'IpAddressDataModelElement'


This model defines a json-formatted log line. This model is usually used as a start element and with json_format: True set in the Input section of the config.yml.

  • key_parser_dict: a dictionary of keys as defined in the json-formatted logs and appropriate parser models as values

  • optional_key_prefix: a string that can be used as a prefix for keys that are optional in the json schema.

  - id: _scroll_id
    type: Base64StringModelElement
    name: '_scroll_id'

  - id: took
    type: DecimalIntegerValueModelElement
    name: 'took'

  - id: value
    type: DecimalIntegerValueModelElement
    name: 'value'

  - id: _index
    type: DateTimeModelElement
    name: '_index'
    date_format: 'aminer-statusinfo-%Y.%m.%d'

  - id: _type
    type: FixedDataModelElement
    name: '_type'
    args: '_doc'

  - id: json
    start: True
    type: JsonModelElement
    name: 'model'
      _scroll_id: _scroll_id
      took: took
          value: value
          - _index: _index
            _type: _type


This model allows to define optional model elements.

  • args: the id of the optional element that will be skipped if it does not match

  - id: user
    type: FixedDataModelElement
    name: 'User'
    args: 'User '

  - id: opt
    type: OptionalMatchModelElement
    name: 'opt'
    args: user


This model allows to define elements that repeat a number of times.

  • args: a string or list containing the following parameters:

    1. repeated_element: id of element which is repeated

    2. min_repeat: minimum amount of times the repeated element has to occur, default is 1

    3. max_repeat: minimum amount of times the repeated element has to occur, default is 1048576

  - id: delimitedDataModelElement
    type: DelimitedDataModelElement
    name: 'DelimitedDataModelElement'
    consume_delimiter: True
    delimiter: ';'

  - id: repeatedElementDataModelElement
    type: RepeatedElementDataModelElement
    name: 'RepeatedElementDataModelElement'
      - sequenceModelElement
      - 3


This model defines a sequence of elements that all have to match.

  • args: a list of elements that form the sequence

  - id: user
    type: FixedDataModelElement
    name: 'User'
    args: 'User '

  - id: username
    type: DelimitedDataModelElement
    name: 'Username'
    consume_delimiter: True
    delimiter: ' '

  - id: ip
    type: IpAddressDataModelElement
    name: 'IP'

  - id: seq
    type: SequenceModelElement
    name: 'seq'
      - user
      - username
      - ip


This model defines a string of character bytes with variable length from a given alphabet.

  • args: string specifying the allowed characters

  - id: version
    type: VariableByteDataModelElement
    name: 'version'
    args: '0123456789.'


This model defines a string that is delimited by a white space.

  - id: whiteSpaceLimitedDataModelElement
    type: WhiteSpaceLimitedDataModelElement
    name: 'WhiteSpaceLimitedDataModelElement'


All detectors have the following parameters and may have additional specific parameters that are defined in the respective sections.

  • id: must be a unique string

  • type: must be an existing Analysis component (required)


This module defines a detector for log atoms not matching any allowlisted rule.

  • allowlist_rules: list of rules executed in same way as inside Rules.OrMatchRule.list of rules executed in same way as inside Rules.OrMatchRule (required, list of strings, defaults to empty list).

  • suppress: a boolean that suppresses anomaly output of that detector when set to True (boolean, defaults to False).

  • output_event_handlers: a list of event handler identifiers that the detector should forward the anomalies to (list of strings, defaults to empty list).

  • output_logline: a boolean that specifies whether full log event parsing information should be appended to the anomaly when set to True (boolean, defaults to True).

   - type: PathExistsMatchRule
     id: path_exists_match_rule1
     path: "/model/LoginDetails/PastTime/Time/Minutes"

   - type: ValueMatchRule
     id: value_match_rule
     path: "/model/LoginDetails/Username"
     value: "root"

   - type: OrMatchRule
     id: or_match_rule
       - "path_exists_match_rule1"
       - "value_match_rule"

   - type: AllowlistViolationDetector
     id: Allowlist
       - "or_match_rule"

See also



In addition to detecting new value combination (see NewMatchPathValueComboDetector), this detector also stores combo occurrence times and amounts, and allows to execute functions on tuples that need to be defined in the python code first.

  • paths: the list of values to extract from each match to create the value combination to be checked (required, list of strings).

  • allow_missing_values: when set to True, the detector will also use matches, where one of the pathes from target_path_list does not refer to an existing parsed data object (boolean, defaults to False).

  • tuple_transformation_function: when not None, this function will be invoked on each extracted value combination list to transform it. It may modify the list directly or create a new one to return it (string, defaults to None).

  • learn_mode: when set to True, this detector will report a new value only the first time before including it in the known values set automatically (boolean).

  • persistence_id: the name of the file where the learned models are stored (string, defaults to “Default”).

  • suppress: a boolean that suppresses anomaly output of that detector when set to True (boolean, defaults to False).

  • output_event_handlers: a list of event handler identifiers that the detector should forward the anomalies to (list of strings, defaults to empty list).

  • output_logline: a boolean that specifies whether full log event parsing information should be appended to the anomaly when set to True (boolean, defaults to True).

   - type: EnhancedNewMatchPathValueComboDetector
     id: EnhancedNewValueCombo
       - "/model/DailyCron/UName"
       - "/model/DailyCron/JobNumber"
     tuple_transformation_function: "demo"
     learn_mode: True


This module defines an evaluator and generator for event rules. The overall idea of generation is 1. For each processed event A, randomly select another event B occurring within queue_delta_time. 2. If B chronologically occurs after A, create the hypothesis A => B (observing event A implies that event B must be observed within current_time+queue_delta_time). If B chronologically occurs before A, create the hypothesis B <= A (observing event A implies that event B must be observed within currentTime-queueDeltaTime). 3. Observe for a long time (max_observations) whether the hypothesis holds. 4. If the hypothesis holds, transform it to a rule. Otherwise, discard the hypothesis.

  • paths: a list of paths where values or value combinations used for correlation occur. If this parameter is not set, correlation is done on event types instead (list of strings, defaults to empty list).

  • output_event_handlers: a list of event handler identifiers that the detector should forward the anomalies to (list of strings, defaults to empty list).

  • max_hypotheses maximum amount of hypotheses and rules hold in memory (integer, defaults to 1000).

  • hypothesis_max_delta_time time span in seconds of events considered for hypothesis generation (float, defaults to 5.0).

  • generation_probability probability in [0, 1] that currently processed log line is considered for hypothesis with each of the candidates (float, defaults to 1.0).

  • generation_factor likelihood in [0, 1] that currently processed log line is added to the set of candidates for hypothesis generation (float, defaults to 1.0).

  • max_observations maximum amount of evaluations before hypothesis is transformed into a rule or discarded or rule is evaluated (integer, defaults to 500).

  • p0 expected value for hypothesis evaluation distribution (float, defaults to 0.9).

  • alpha confidence value for hypothesis evaluation (float, defaults to 0.05).

  • candidates_size maximum number of stored candidates used for hypothesis generation (integer, defaults to 10).

  • hypotheses_eval_delta_time duration in seconds between hypothesis evaluation phases that remove old hypotheses that are likely to remain unused (float, 120.0).

  • delta_time_to_discard_hypothesis time span in seconds required for old hypotheses to be discarded (float, defaults to 180.0).

  • check_rules_flag specifies whether existing rules are evaluated (boolean, defaults to True).

  • ignore_list: a list of parser paths that are ignored for analysis by this detector (list of strings, defaults to empty list).

  • constraint_list: a list of parser paths that the detector will be constrained to, i.e., other branches of the parser tree are ignored (list of strings, defaults to empty list).

  • output_logline: a boolean that specifies whether full log event parsing information should be appended to the anomaly when set to True (boolean, defaults to True).

  • persistence_id: the name of the file where the learned models are stored (string, defaults to “Default”).

  • suppress: a boolean that suppresses anomaly output of that detector when set to True (boolean, defaults to False).

  • learn_mode: specifies whether new hypotheses and rules are generated (boolean).

   - type: EventCorrelationDetector
     id: EventCorrelationDetector
     check_rules_flag: True
     hypothesis_max_delta_time: 1.0
     learn_mode: True


This module defines an detector for event and value frequency deviations.

  • paths parser paths of values to be analyzed. Multiple paths mean that values are analyzed by their combined occurrences. When no paths are specified, the events given by the full path list are analyzed (list of strings, defaults to empty list).

  • output_event_handlers for handling events, e.g., print events to stdout (list of strings, defaults to empty list).

  • window_size the length of the time window for counting in seconds (float, defaults to 600).

  • confidence_factor defines range of tolerable deviation of measured frequency from ground truth frequency gt by [gf * confidence_factor, gf / confidence_factor], where confidence_factor is in range [0, 1]. (float, defaults to 0.5).

  • learn_mode specifies whether new frequency measurements override ground truth frequencies (boolean).

  • output_logline specifies whether the full parsed log atom should be provided in the output (boolean, defaults to True).

  • ignore_list list of paths that are not considered for analysis, i.e., events that contain one of these paths are omitted (list of strings, defaults to empty list).

  • constraint_list list of paths that have to be present in the log atom to be analyzed (list of strings, defaults to empty list).

  • suppress: a boolean that suppresses anomaly output of that detector when set to True (boolean, defaults to False).

  • persistence_id: the name of the file where the learned models are stored (string, defaults to “Default”).

   - type: EventFrequencyDetector
     id: EventFrequencyDetector
     window_size: 10


This module defines an detector for event and value sequences. The concept is based on STIDE which was first published by Forrest et al.

  • paths parser paths of values to be analyzed. Multiple paths mean that values are analyzed by their combined occurrences. When no paths are specified, the events given by the full path list are analyzed (list of strings, defaults to empty list).

  • output_event_handlers for handling events, e.g., print events to stdout (list of strings, defaults to empty list).

  • id_path_list one or more paths that specify the trace of the sequence detection, i.e., incorrect sequences that are generated by interleaved events can be avoided when event sequence identifiers are available (list of strings, defaults to empty list).

  • seq_len the length of the sequences to be learned (larger lengths increase precision, but may overfit the data). (integer, defaults to 3).

  • learn_mode specifies whether newly observed sequences should be added to the learned model (boolean).

  • output_logline specifies whether the full parsed log atom should be provided in the output (boolean, defaults to True).

  • ignore_list list of paths that are not considered for analysis, i.e., events that contain one of these paths are omitted (list of strings, defaults to empty list).

  • constraint_list list of paths that have to be present in the log atom to be analyzed (list of strings, defaults to empty list).

  • suppress: a boolean that suppresses anomaly output of that detector when set to True (boolean, defaults to False).

  • persistence_id: the name of the file where the learned models are stored (string, defaults to “Default”).

   - type: EventSequenceDetector
     id: EventSequenceDetector
     seq_len: 4
       - '/model/type/syscall/syscall'
       - '/model/type/syscall/id'


This component serves as a basis for the VariableTypeDetector, VariableCorrelationDetector and TSAArimaDetector. It saves a list of the values to the single paths and tracks the time for the TSAArimaDetector.

  • paths parser paths of values to be analyzed (list of strings, defaults to empty list).

  • persistence_id the name of the file where the learned models are stored (string, defaults to “Default”).

  • max_num_vals maximum number of lines in the value list before it is reduced.

  • min_num_vals number of the values which the list is being reduced to.

  • save_values if False the values of the paths are not saved for further analysis. The values are not needed for the TSAArimaDetector.

  • track_time_for_TSA states if time windows should be tracked for the time series analysis.

  • waiting_time_for_TSA time in seconds, until the time windows are being initialized.

  • num_sections_waiting_time_for_TSA number of sections of the initialization window.

   - type: 'EventTypeDetector'
     id: ETD
     save_values: False
     track_time_for_TSA: True
     waiting_time_for_TSA: 1728000
     num_sections_waiting_time_for_TSA: 1000


This component performs a histogram analysis on one or more input properties. The properties are parsed values denoted by their parsing path. Those values are then handed over to the selected “binning function”, that calculates the histogram bin.

  • Binning:

Binning can be done using one of the predefined binning functions or by creating own subclasses from “HistogramAnalysis.BinDefinition”.

  • LinearNumericBinDefinition: Binning function working on numeric values and sorting them into bins of same size.

  • ModuloTimeBinDefinition: Binning function working on parsed datetime values but applying a modulo function to them. This is useful for analysis of periodic activities.

  • histogram_defs: list of tuples. First element of the tuple contains the target property path to analyze. The second element contains the id of a bin_definition(LinearNumericBinDefinition or ModuloTimeBinDefinition). List(strings) Required

  • report_interval: Report_interval delay in seconds between creaton of two reports. The parameter is applied to the parsed record data time, not the system time. Hence reports can be delayed when no data is received. Integer(min: 1) Required

  • reset_after_report_flag: Zero counters after the report was sent. Boolean(Default: true)

  • persistence_id’: the name of the file where the learned models are stored. String(Default: ‘Default’)

  • output_logline: specifies whether the full parsed log atom should be provided in the output. Boolean(Default: true)

  • output_event_handlers: List of event-handler-id to send the report to.

  • suppress: a boolean that suppresses anomaly output of that detector when set to True.

   - type: LinearNumericBinDefinition
     id: linear_numeric_bin_definition
     lower_limit: 50
     bin_size: 5
     bin_count: 20
     outlier_bins_flag: True

   - type: HistogramAnalysis
     id: HistogramAnalysis
     histogram_defs: [["/model/RandomTime/Random", "linear_numeric_bin_definition"]]
     report_interval: 10


This component creates a histogram for only a single input property, e.g. an IP address, but for each group of correlated match pathes. Assume there two pathes that include the input property but they separate after the property was found on the path. This might be for example the client IP address in ssh log atoms, where the parsing path may split depending if this was a log atom for a successful login, logout or some error. This analysis component will then create separate histograms, one for the path common to all atoms and one for each disjunct part of the subpathes found.

The component uses the same binning functions as the standard HistogramAnalysis.HistogramAnalysis, see documentation there.

  • path: The property-path. String(Required)

  • bin_definition: The id of a bin_definition(LinearNumericBinDefini tion or ModuloTimeBinDefinition). String(Required)

  • report_interval: Report_interval delay in seconds between creaton of two reports. The parameter is applied to the parsed record data time, not the system time. Hence reports can be delayed when no data is received. Integer(min: 1)

  • reset_after_report_flag: Zero counters after the report was sent. Boolean(Default: true)

  • persistence_id’: the name of the file where the learned models are stored. String

  • output_logline: specifies whether the full parsed log atom should be provided in the output. Boolean(Default: true)

  • output_event_handlers: List of event-handler-id to send the report to.

  • suppress: a boolean that suppresses anomaly output of that detector when set to True.

   - type: ModuloTimeBinDefinition
     id: modulo_time_bin_definition
     modulo_value: 86400
     time_unit: 3600
     lower_limit: 0
     bin_size: 1
     bin_count: 24
     outlier_bins_flag: True

   - type: PathDependentHistogramAnalysis
     id: PathDependentHistogramAnalysis
     path: "/model/RandomTime"
     bin_definition: "modulo_time_bin_definition"
     report_interval: 10


Binning function working on numeric values and sorting them into bins of same size.

  • lower_limit: Start on lowest bin. Integer or Float Required

  • bin_size: Size of bin in reporting units. Integer(min 1) Required

  • bin_count: Number of bins. Integer(min 1) Required

  • outlier_bins_flag: Disable outlier bins. Boolean. Default: False

  • output_event_handlers: List of handlers to send the report to.

  • suppress: a boolean that suppresses anomaly output of that detector when set to True.

   - type: LinearNumericBinDefinition
     id: linear_numeric_bin_definition
     lower_limit: 50
     bin_size: 5
     bin_count: 20
     outlier_bins_flag: True


Binning function working on parsed datetime values but applying a modulo function to them. This is useful for analysis of periodic activities.

  • modulo_value: Modulo values in seconds.

  • time_unit: Division factor to get down to reporting unit

  • lower_limit: Start on lowest bin. Integer or Float Required

  • bin_size: Size of bin in reporting units. Size of bin in reporting units. Integer(min 1) Required

  • bin_count: Number of bins. Integer(min 1) Required

  • outlier_bins_flag: Disable outlier bins. Boolean. Default: False

  • output_event_handlers: List of handlers to send the report to.

  • suppress: a boolean that suppresses anomaly output of that detector when set to True.

   - type: ModuloTimeBinDefinition
     id: modulo_time_bin_definition
     modulo_value: 86400
     time_unit: 3600
     lower_limit: 0
     bin_size: 1
     bin_count: 24
     outlier_bins_flag: True


This component creates events for specified paths and values.

   - type: MatchFilter
     id: MatchFilter
       - "/model/Random"
       - 1
       - 10
       - 100


This detector calculates the average of a given list of values to monitor. Reports are generated if the average of the latest diverges significantly from the values observed before.

   - type: MatchValueAverageChangeDetector
     id: MatchValueAverageChange
     timestamp_path: None
       - "/model/Random"
     min_bin_elements: 100
     min_bin_time: 10


This component extracts values from a given match and writes them to a stream. This can be used to forward these values to another program (when stream is a wrapped network socket) or to a file for further analysis. A stream is used instead of a file descriptor to increase performance. To flush it from time to time, add the writer object also to the time trigger list.

   - type: MatchValueStreamWriter
     id: MatchValueStreamWriter
     stream: "sys.stdout"
       - "/model/Sensors/CPUTemp"
       - "/model/Sensors/CPUWorkload"
       - "/model/Sensors/DTM"


This component creates events when an expected value is not seen within a given timespan. For example because the service was deactivated or logging disabled unexpectedly. This is complementary to the function provided by NewMatchPathValueDetector. For each unique value extracted by target_path_list, a tracking record is added to expected_values_dict. It stores three numbers: the timestamp the extracted value was last seen, the maximum allowed gap between observations and the next alerting time when currently in error state. When in normal (alerting) state, the value is zero.

   - type: MissingMatchPathValueDetector
     id: MissingMatch
       - "/model/DiskReport/Space"
     check_interval: 2
     realert_interval: 5
     learn_mode: True


This detector works similar to the NewMatchPathValueComboDetector, but allows to generate combos across multiple log events that are connected by a common value, e.g., trace ID.

  • paths parser paths of values to be analyzed (required, list of strings).

  • id_path_list one or more paths that specify trace information, i.e., an identifier that specifies which log events belong together (required, list of strings, defaults to empty list).

  • min_allowed_time_diff the minimum amount of time in seconds after the first appearance of a log atom with a specific id that is waited for other log atoms with the same id to occur. The maximum possible time to keep an incomplete combo is 2*min_allowed_time_diff (required, float, defaults to 5.0).

  • output_event_handlers for handling events, e.g., print events to stdout (list of strings, defaults to empty list).

  • allow_missing_values: when set to True, the detector will also use matches, where one of the paths does not refer to an existing parsed data object (boolean, defaults to False).

  • learn_mode specifies whether newly observed value combinations should be added to the learned model (boolean).

  • output_logline specifies whether the full parsed log atom should be provided in the output (boolean, defaults to True).

  • ignore_list list of paths that are not considered for analysis, i.e., events that contain one of these paths are omitted (list of strings, defaults to empty list).

  • constraint_list list of paths that have to be present in the log atom to be analyzed (list of strings, defaults to empty list).

  • suppress: a boolean that suppresses anomaly output of that detector when set to True (boolean, defaults to False).

  • persistence_id: the name of the file where the learned models are stored (string, defaults to “Default”).

   - type: NewMatchIdValueComboDetector
     id: NewMatchIdValueComboDetector
       - "/model/type/path/name"
       - "/model/type/syscall/syscall"
       - "/model/type/path/id"
       - "/model/type/syscall/id"
     min_allowed_time_diff: 5
     allow_missing_values: True
     learn_mode: True


This module defines a detector for new value combinations in multiple parser paths.

  • paths parser paths of values to be analyzed (required, list of strings).

  • output_event_handlers for handling events, e.g., print events to stdout (list of strings, defaults to empty list).

  • suppress: a boolean that suppresses anomaly output of that detector when set to True (boolean, defaults to False).

  • persistence_id: the name of the file where the learned models are stored (string, defaults to “Default”).

  • allow_missing_values: when set to True, the detector will also use matches, where one of the paths does not refer to an existing parsed data object (boolean, defaults to False).

  • output_logline specifies whether the full parsed log atom should be provided in the output (boolean, defaults to True).

  • learn_mode specifies whether newly observed value combinations should be added to the learned model (boolean).

   - type: NewMatchPathValueComboDetector
     id: NewMatchPathValueCombo
       - "/model/IPAddresses/Username"
       - "/model/IPAddresses/IP"
     learn_mode: True


This module defines a detector for new values in a parser path.

  • paths parser paths of values to be analyzed. Multiple paths mean that values from all specified paths are mixed together (required, list of strings).

  • output_event_handlers for handling events, e.g., print events to stdout (list of strings, defaults to empty list).

  • suppress: a boolean that suppresses anomaly output of that detector when set to True (boolean, defaults to False).

  • persistence_id: the name of the file where the learned models are stored (string, defaults to “Default”).

  • output_logline specifies whether the full parsed log atom should be provided in the output (boolean, defaults to True).

  • learn_mode specifies whether newly observed values should be added to the learned model (boolean).

   - type: NewMatchPathValueDetector
     id: NewMatchPathValue
       - "/model/DailyCron/JobNumber"
       - "/model/IPAddresses/Username"
     learn_mode: True


This component counts occurring combinations of values and periodically sends the results as a report.

  • paths parser paths of values to be analyzed (list of strings, defaults to empty list).

  • report_interval time interval in seconds in which the reports are sent (integer, defaults to 10).

  • labels list of strings that are added to the report for each path in paths parameter (must be the same length as paths list). (list of strings, defaults to empty list)

  • split_reports_flag boolean flag to send report for each path in paths parameter separately when set to True (boolean, defaults to False).

  • output_event_handlers for handling events, e.g., print events to stdout (list of strings, defaults to empty list).

  • suppress: a boolean that suppresses anomaly output of that detector when set to True (boolean, defaults to False).

   - type: ParserCount
     id: ParserCount
       - "/model/type/syscall/syscall"
     report_interval: 10


This detector analyzes the time intervals of the appearance of log_atoms. It sends a report if log_atoms appear at times outside of the intervals. The considered time intervals depend on the combination of values in the target_paths of target_path_list.

  • paths parser paths of values to be analyzed. Multiple paths mean that values are analyzed by their combined occurrences. When no paths are specified, the events given by the full path list are analyzed.

  • persistence_id the name of the file where the learned models are stored (string, defaults to “Default”).

  • allow_missing_values_flag when set to True, the detector will also use matches, where one of the pathes from target_path_list does not refer to an existing parsed data object.

  • ignore_list list of paths that are not considered for correlation, i.e., events that contain one of these paths are omitted.

  • output_log_line specifies whether the full parsed log atom should be provided in the output.

  • auto_include_flag specifies whether new frequency measurements override ground truth frequencies.

  • time_window_length length of the time window in seconds for which the appearances of log lines are identified with each other.

  • max_time_diff maximal time difference in seconds for new times. If the difference of the new time to all previous times is greater than max_time_diff the new time is considered an anomaly.

  • num_reduce_time_list number of new time entries appended to the time list, before the list is being reduced.

   - type: PathValueTimeIntervalDetector
     id: PathValueTimeIntervalDetector
       - "/model/DailyCron/UName"
       - "/model/DailyCron/JobNumber"
     time_window_length: 86400
     max_time_diff: 3600
     num_reduce_time_list: 10


This detector uses a tsa-arima model to track appearance frequencies of event lines.

  • paths at least one of the parser paths in this list needs to appear in the event to be analyzed.

  • event_type_detector used to track the number of event lines in the time windows.

  • build_sum_over_values states if the sum of a series of counts is built before applying the TSA.

  • num_division_time_step Number of divisions of the time window to calculate the time step.

  • alpha significance level of the estimated values.

  • num_min_time_history minimal number of values of the time_history after it is initialized.

  • num_max_time_history maximal number of values of the time_history.

  • num_results_bt number of results which are used in the binomial test, which is used before reinitializing the ARIMA model.

  • alpha_bt significance level for the bt test.

  • round_time_inteval_threshold Threshold for the rounding of the time_steps to the times in self.assumed_time_steps. The higher the threshold the easier the time is rounded to the next time in the list.

  • acf_threshold threshold, which must be exceeded by the highest peak of the cdf function of the time series, to be analyzed.

  • persistence_id the name of the file where the learned models are stored (string, defaults to “Default”).

  • ignore_list list of paths that are not considered for correlation, i.e., events that contain one of these paths are omitted. The default value is [] as None is not iterable.

  • output_log_line specifies whether the full parsed log atom should be provided in the output.

  • auto_include_flag specifies whether new frequency measurements override ground truth frequencies.

   - type: 'EventTypeDetector'
     id: ETD
     save_values: False
     track_time_for_TSA: True
     waiting_time_for_TSA: 1728000
     num_sections_waiting_time_for_TSA: 1000

   - type: 'TSAArimaDetector'
     id: TSA
     event_type_detector: ETD
     num_division_time_step: 10
     alpha: 0.05
     num_results_bt: 30
     alpha_bt: 0.05
     num_max_time_history: 30000
     round_time_inteval_threshold: 0.1
     acf_threshold: 0.02


This component tries to find time correlation patterns between different log atoms. When a possible correlation rule is detected, it creates an event including the rules. This is useful to implement checks as depicted in http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cose.2014.09.006.

   - type: TimeCorrelationDetector
     id: TimeCorrelationDetector
     parallel_check_count: 2
     min_rule_attributes: 1
     max_rule_attributes: 5
     record_count_before_event: 10000


This component creates events when one of the given time correlation rules is violated. This is used to implement checks as depicted in http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cose.2014.09.006

   - type: PathExistsMatchRule
     id: path_exists_match_rule3
     path: "/model/CronAnnouncement/Run"
     match_action: a_class_selector
   - type: PathExistsMatchRule
     id: path_exists_match_rule4
     path: "/model/CronExecution/Job"
     match_action: b_class_selector
   - type: TimeCorrelationViolationDetector
     id: TimeCorrelationViolationDetector
       - path_exists_match_rule3
       - path_exists_match_rule4

See also



Adjust decreasing timestamp of new records to the maximum observed so far to ensure monotony for other analysis components.


This detector is useful to to detect algorithm malfunction or configuration errors, e.g. invalid timezone configuration.

   - type: TimestampsUnsortedDetector
     id: TimestampsUnsortedDetector


First, this detector finds a list of viable variables for each event type. Second, it builds pairs of variables. Third, correlations are generated and thereafter tested and updated.

  • persistence_id: the name of the file where the learned models are stored (string, defaults to “Default”).

  • event_type_detector event_type_detector. Used to get the event numbers and values of the variables, etc.

  • ignore_list list of paths that are not considered for correlation, i.e., events that contain one of these paths are omitted.

  • constraint_list list of paths that the detector will be constrained to, i.e., other branches of the parser tree are ignored (list of strings, defaults to empty list).

  • num_init minimal number of lines of one event type to initialize the correlation rules.

  • num_update number of lines after the initialization after which the correlations are periodically tested and updated.

  • check_cor_thres threshold for the number of allowed different values of the distribution to be considerd a correlation.

  • check_cor_prob_thres threshold for the difference of the probability of the values to be considerd a correlation.

  • check_cor_num_thres number of allowed different values for the calculation if the distribution can be considerd a correlation.

  • min_values_cors_thres minimal number of appearances of values on the left side to consider the distribution as a possible correlation.

  • new_vals_alarm_thres threshold which has to be exceeded by the number of new values divided by the number of old values to report an anomaly.

  • disc_div_thres diversity threshold for variables to be considered discrete.

  • num_steps_create_new_rules number of update steps, for which new rules are generated periodically.

  • num_upd_until_validation number of update steps, for which the rules are validated periodically.

  • num_end_learning_phase number of update steps until the update phase ends and the test phase begins. False if no End should be defined.

  • num_bt number of considered testsamples for the binomial test.

  • alpha_bt significance level for the binomialtest for the test results.

  • used_homogeneity_test states the used homogeneity test which is used for the updates and tests of the correlations. The implemented methods are [‘Chi’, ‘MaxDist’].

  • alpha_chisquare_test significance level alpha for the chisquare test.

  • max_dist_rule_distr maximum distance between the distribution of the rule and the distribution of the read in values before the rule fails.

  • used_presel_meth used preselection methods. The implemented methods are [‘matchDiscDistr’, ‘excludeDueDistr’, ‘matchDiscVals’, ‘random’].

  • intersect_presel_meth states if the intersection or the union of the possible correlations found by the presel_meth is used for the resulting correlations.

  • percentage_random_cors percentage of the randomly picked correlations of all possible ones in the preselection method random.

  • match_disc_vals_sim_tresh similarity threshold for the preselection method pick_cor_match_disc_vals.

  • exclude_due_distr_lower_limit lower limit for the maximal appearance to one value of the distributions. If the maximal appearance is exceeded the variable is excluded.

  • match_disc_distr_threshold threshold for the preselection method pick_cor_match_disc_distr.

  • used_cor_meth used correlation detection methods. The implemented methods are [‘Rel’, ‘WRel’].

  • used_validate_cor_meth used validation methods. The implemented methods are [‘coverVals’, ‘distinctDistr’].

  • validate_cor_cover_vals_thres threshold for the validation method coverVals. The higher the threshold the more correlations must be detected to be validated a correlation.

  • validate_cor_distinct_thres threshold for the validation method distinctDistr. The threshold states which value the variance of the distributions must surpass to be considered real correlations. The lower the value the less likely that the correlations are being rejected.

   - type: 'EventTypeDetector'
     id: ETD

   - type: 'VariableCorrelationDetector'
     event_type_detector: ETD
     num_init: 10000
     num_update: 1000
     num_steps_create_new_rules: 10
     used_presel_meth: ['matchDiscDistr', 'excludeDueDistr']
     used_validate_cor_meth: ['distinctDistr', 'coverVals']
     used_cor_meth: ['WRel']


This detector analyses each variable of the event_types by assigning them the implemented variable types.

  • paths List of paths, which variables are being tested for a type. All other paths will not get a type assigned.

  • persistence_id: the name of the file where the learned models are stored (string, defaults to “Default”).

  • event_type_detector event_type_detector. Used to get the event numbers and values of the variables, etc.

  • ignore_list list of paths that are not considered for correlation, i.e., events that contain one of these paths are omitted.

  • constraint_list list of paths that the detector will be constrained to, i.e., other branches of the parser tree are ignored (list of strings, defaults to empty list).

  • save_statistics tracks the indicators and changed variable types, if set to True.

  • use_empiric_distr states if empiric distributions of the values should be used if no continuous distribution is detected

  • used_gof_test states the used test statistic for the continuous data type. Implemented are the ‘KS’ and ‘CM’ tests.

  • gof_alpha significance level for p-value for the distribution test of the initialization.

  • s_gof_alpha significance level for p-value for the sliding gof-test in the update step.

  • s_gof_bt_alpha significance level for the binomialtest of the test results of the s_gof-test.

  • d_alpha significance level for the binomialtest of the single discrete variables.

  • d_bt_alpha significance level for the binomialtest of the test results of the discrete tests.

  • div_thres threshold for diversity of the values of a variable. The higher the more values have to be distinct to be considered to be continuous distributed.

  • sim_thres threshold for similarity of the values of a variable. The higher the more values have to be common to be considered discrete.

  • indicator_thres threshold for the variable indicators to be used in the event indicator.

  • num_init number of read in lines before detecting the variable types.

  • num_update number of values for which the variableType is updated.

  • num_update_unq number of values for which the values of type unq is unique (last num_update + num_update_unq values are unique).

  • num_s_gof_values number of values which are tested in the s_gof-test.

  • num_s_gof_bt number of tested s_gof-tests for the binomialtest of the test results of the s_gof-tests.

  • num_d_bt number of tested discrete samples for the binomialtest of the test results of the discrete tests.

  • num_pause_discrete number of paused updates, before the discrete var type is adapted.

  • num_pause_others number of paused updates, before trying to find a new variable type for the variable type others.

  • test_gof_int states if integer number should be tested for the continuous variable type.

  • update_var_type_bool states, if found variable types are updated when a test fails.

  • num_stop_update switch the LearnMode to False after num_stop_update processed lines. If False LearnMode will not be switched to False.

  • silence_output_without_confidence silences all messages without a confidence-entry.

  • silence_output_except_indicator silences all messages which are not related with the calculated indicator.

  • num_var_type_hist_ref states how long the reference for the var_type_history_list is. The reference is used in the evaluation.

  • num_update_var_type_hist_ref number of update steps before the var_type_history_list is being updated.

  • num_var_type_considered_ind this attribute states how many variable types of the history are used as the recent history in the calculation of the indicator. False if no output of the indicator should be generated.

  • num_stat_stop_update number of static values of a variable, to stop tracking the variable type and read in in eventTypeD. Default is False.

  • num_updates_until_var_reduction number of update steps until the variables are tested, if they are suitable for an indicator. If not suitable, they are removed from the tracking of EvTypeD. Default is False.

  • var_reduction_thres threshold for the reduction of variable types. The most likely none others var type must have a higher relative appearance for the variable to be further checked.

  • num_skipped_ind_for_weights number of the skipped indicators for the calculation of the indicator weights.

  • num_ind_for_weights number of indicators used in the calculation of the indicator weights.

  • used_multinomial_test states the used multinomial test. the value can be of the list [‘MT’, ‘Approx’, ‘Chi’], where ‘MT’ means original MT, ‘Approx’ is the approximation with single BTs and ‘Chi’ is the ChisquareTest.


The following detectors work with MatchRules:


MatchRules must be defined in the “Analysis”-part of the configuration.


This component provides a rule to match all subRules (logical and).

   - type: AndMatchRule
     id: and_match_rule1
       - "path_exists_match_rule1"
       - "negation_match_rule1"


This component provides a rule to match any subRules (logical or).

   - type: OrMatchRule
     id: or_match_rule
       - "and_match_rule1"
       - "and_match_rule2"
       - "negation_match_rule2"


This component is a rule testing all the subrules in parallel. From the behaviour it is similar to the OrMatchRule, returning true if any subrule matches. The difference is that matching will not stop after the first positive match. This does only make sense when all subrules have match actions associated.

   - type: ParallelMatchRule
     id: parallel_match_rule
       - "and_match_rule1"
       - "and_match_rule2"
       - "negation_match_rule2"


This component is a rule delegating rule checking to subrules depending on values found within the parser_match. The result of this rule is the result of the selected delegation rule.


Match elements of this component return true when the subrule did not match.

   - type: NegationMatchRule
     id: negation_match_rule1
     sub_rule: "value_match_rule"
   - type: NegationMatchRule
     id: negation_match_rule2
     sub_rule: "path_exists_match_rule2"


Match elements of this component return true when the given path was found in the parsed match data.

   - type: PathExistsMatchRule
     id: path_exists_match_rule1
     path: "/model/LoginDetails/PastTime/Time/Minutes"
   - type: PathExistsMatchRule
     id: path_exists_match_rule2
     path: "/model/LoginDetails"


Match elements of this component return true when the given path exists and has exactly the given parsed value.

   - type: ValueMatchRule
     id: value_match_rule
     path: "/model/LoginDetails/Username"
     value: "root"


Match elements of this component return true when the given path exists and has exactly one of the values included in the value list.


Match elements of this component return true when the given path exists and the value is included in [lower, upper] range.


Elements of this component return true when the given path exists and the string repr of the value matches the regular expression.


Match elements of this component return true when the following conditions are met. The given path exists, denotes a datetime object and the seconds since 1970 from that date modulo the given value are included in [lower, upper] range.


Match elements of this component return true when the following conditions are met. The given path exists, denotes a datetime object and the seconds since 1970 rom that date modulo the given value are included in a [lower, upper] range selected by values from the match.


Match elements of this component return true when the path matches and contains a valid IPv4 address from the RFC1918 private IP ranges. This could also be done by distinct range match elements, but as this kind of matching is common, have an own element for it.


This rule can be inserted into a normal ruleset just to see when a match attempt is made. It just prints out the current log_atom that is evaluated. The match action is always invoked when defined, no matter which match result is returned.


This rule can be inserted into a normal ruleset just to see when a match attempt is made. It just adds the evaluated log_atom to a ObjectHistory.
